According to the characteristics of the two-phase structure, by properly controlling the chemical composition and heat treatment process, the excellent toughness and weldability of austenitic stainless steel are combined with the higher strength and chloride stress corrosion resistance of ferritic stainless steel, making duplex stainless Acer Un tipus d’acer que combina una excel·lent resistència a la corrosió, alta resistència i fàcil processament i fabricació. Their physical properties are between austenitic stainless steel and ferritic stainless steel, but closer to ferritic stainless steel and carbon steel. The resistance to chloride pitting and crevice corrosion of duplex stainless steel is related to the content of chromium, molybdenum and nitrogen. Its resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion can be similar to that of 316 stainless steel, or higher than that of stainless steel for seawater, such as 6%MO austenitic stainless steel. All duplex stainless steels are significantly more resistant to chloride stress corrosion cracking than 300 series austenitic stainless steels, and their strength is also much higher than austenitic stainless steels, while showing good plasticity and toughness.
1) The comprehensive mechanical properties are higher than those of ferritic stainless steel, especially plastic toughness. No és tan sensible a la britenitat com l’acer inoxidable ferrític.
A causa de la gran resistència de l'acer dúplex, sovint pot estalviar materials, com ara reduir el gruix de la paret de la canonada. Tingueu com a exemples SAF2205 i SAF2507W. SAF2205 és adequat per utilitzar-lo en entorns que contenen clor. Aquest material és adequat per a la refinació de petroli o altres suports de procés barrejats amb clorurs. SAF2205 és particularment adequat per a intercanviadors de calor que utilitzen solucions aquoses que contenen clor o aigua lleugerament salada com a suports de refrigeració. Aquest material també és adequat per a solucions d’àcid sulfúric diluït i àcids orgànics purs i les seves barreges. For example: oil pipes in the oil and gas industry: crude oil desalination in refineries, sulfur-containing gas purification, wastewater treatment equipment; Sistemes de refrigeració que utilitzen solucions lleugerament salades d’aigua o clor.